Package 'funData'

Title: An S4 Class for Functional Data
Description: S4 classes for univariate and multivariate functional data with utility functions. See <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i05> for a detailed description of the package functionalities and its interplay with the MFPCA package for multivariate functional principal component analysis <>.
Authors: Clara Happ-Kurz [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Clara Happ-Kurz <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.3-9
Built: 2025-02-10 03:58:50 UTC

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Calculate weights for numerical integration


This function calculates the weights for numerical integration


.intWeights(argvals, method = "trapezoidal")



A numeric vector of x-Values


A character string, giving the numerical integration method to use (default is trapezoidal, alternatively use midpoint)


A vector of integration weights

See Also


Generic method for scalar products, based on integrate


Generic method for scalar products, based on integrate


.scalarProduct(object1, object2, ...)


object1, object2

Generic objects


Further objects passed to integrate

Add Gaussian white noise to functional data objects


This function generates an artificial noisy version of a functional data object of class funData (univariate) or multiFunData (multivariate) by adding iid. realizations of Gaussian random variables εN(0,σ2)\varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2) to the observations. The standard deviation σ\sigma can be supplied by the user.


addError(funDataObject, sd)



A functional data object of class funData or multiFunData.


The standard deviation σ\sigma of the Gaussian white noise that is added to the data. Defaults to 1. See Description.


An object of the same class as funDataObject, which is a noisy version of the original data.

See Also

funData, multiFunData, simFunData, simMultiFunData.


oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# Univariate functional data
plain <- simFunData(argvals = seq(0,1,0.01), M = 10, eFunType = "Fourier",
                    eValType = "linear", N = 1)$simData
noisy <- addError(plain , sd = 0.5)
veryNoisy <- addError(plain, sd = 2)

plot(plain, main = "Add error", ylim = range(veryNoisy@X))
plot(noisy, type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
plot(veryNoisy, type = "p", pch = 4, add = TRUE)
legend("topright", c("Plain", "Noisy", "Very Noisy"), lty = c(1, NA, NA), pch = c(NA, 20 ,4))

# Multivariate functional data
plain <- simMultiFunData(type = "split", argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(-.5,.5,0.02)), M = 10,
                        eFunType = "Fourier", eValType = "linear", N = 1)$simData
noisy <- addError(plain , sd = 0.5)
veryNoisy <- addError(plain, sd = 2)

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(plain[[1]], main = "Add error (multivariate)", ylim = range(veryNoisy[[1]]@X))
plot(noisy[[1]], type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
plot(veryNoisy[[1]], type = "p", pch = 4, add = TRUE)

plot(plain[[2]], main = "Add error (multivariate)", ylim = range(veryNoisy[[2]]@X))
plot(noisy[[2]], type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
plot(veryNoisy[[2]], type = "p", pch = 4, add = TRUE)
legend("topright", c("Plain", "Noisy", "Very Noisy"), lty = c(1, NA, NA), pch = c(NA, 20 ,4))


Approximate missing values for funData objects


This function approximates missing values for funData objects based on the na.approx interpolation method from the package zoo.





An object of class funData with missing values (coded by NA).


A funData object where missing values have been imputed.


This function requires the package zoo to be installed, otherwise it will throw a warning.


# Simulate some data
f <- simFunData(N = 10, M = 8, eVal = "linear", eFun = "Poly", argvals = seq(0, 1, 0.01))$simData

# Sparsify, i.e. generate artificial missings in the data
fSparse <- sparsify(f, minObs = 10, maxObs = 50)

# plot
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(f, main = "Original Data") 
plot(fSparse, main = "Sparse Data")
plot(approxNA(fSparse), main = "Reconstructed Data")
# faster with plot(fSparse, plotNA = TRUE, main = "Reconstructed Data")


Arithmetics for functional data objects


These functions allow basic arithmetics (such as '+', '-', '*', 'sqrt') for functional data and numerics based on Arith. The operations are made pointwise for each observation. See examples below.


## S4 method for signature 'funData,funData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'funData,numeric'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,funData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData,multiFunData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData,numeric'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,multiFunData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData,numeric'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,irregFunData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData,irregFunData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData,funData'
Arith(e1, e2)

## S4 method for signature 'funData,irregFunData'
Arith(e1, e2)


e1, e2

Objects of class funData, irregFunData, multiFunData or numeric. If two functional data objects are used, they must be of the same class, have the same domain and the same number of observations. For exceptions, see Details.


If two objects of a functional data class (funData, irregFunData or multiFunData) are used, they normally must be of the same class, have the same domain and the same number of observations. Exceptions are accepted if

  • one object has only one observation. In this case, the arithmetic operations ('+', '-', '*', ...) are done pairwise for this single function and all functions of the other object. A typical example would be when subtracting the mean function from all observations in a funData object. This single function must be defined on the same domain as the other functions (or, in case of irregFunData, on the union of all observation grids).

  • one of the two objects is of class irregFunData. Then, the other object can be of class funData, too, if it is defined on the union of all observation grids. The result is an irregFunData object which is defined on the same observation grid as the original irregFunData object.


An object of the same functional data class as e1 or e2, respectively.


Note that not all combinations of operations and classes make sense, e.g. e1 ^ e2 is sensible if e1 is of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData and e2 is numeric. The reverse is not true.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, Arith


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(3,2), mar = rep(2.1,4))

argvals <- seq(0, 2*pi, 0.01)
object1 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), sin(argvals)))
object2 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), cos(argvals)))

plot(object1, main = "Object1")
plot(object2, main = "Object2")

# Only functional data objects
plot(object1 + object2, main = "Sum")
plot(object1 - object2, main = "Difference")

# Mixed
plot(4 * object1 + 5,  main = "4 * Object1 + 5") # Note y-axis!
plot(object1^2 + object2^2, main = "Pythagoras")

### Irregular
ind <- replicate(11, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10, 1))))
i1 <- irregFunData(
   argvals = lapply(1:11, function(i, ind, x){x[ind[[i]]]}, ind = ind, x = object1@argvals[[1]]),
   X = lapply(1:11, function(i, ind, y){y[i, ind[[i]]]}, ind = ind, y = object1@X))
i2 <- irregFunData(
   argvals = lapply(1:11, function(i, ind, x){x[ind[[i]]]}, ind = ind, x = object2@argvals[[1]]),
   X = lapply(1:11, function(i, ind, y){y[i, ind[[i]]]}, ind = ind, y = object2@X))

plot(i1, main = "Object 1 (irregular)")
plot(i2, main = "Object 2 (irregular)")

# Irregular and regular functional data objects
plot(i1 + i2, main = "Sum")
plot(i1 - object2, main = "Difference")

# Mixed
plot(4 * i1 + 5,  main = "4 * i1 + 5") # Note y-axis!
plot(i1^2 + i2^2, main = "Pythagoras")

Coerce functional data objects to a data.frame


Coerce objects of class funData, multiFunData and irregFunData to a data frame.


## S4 method for signature 'funData'

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'



The functional data object that is to be transformed to a data.frame


A data frame with columns obs (gives index/name of observed curve), argvals1, ... argvalsd with d the dimension of the support and X for the observed values. One-dimensional functions have only argvals1, two-dimensional functions (images) have argvals1 and argvals2, etc.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, data.frame


# one-dimensional domain
f1 <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = matrix(1:20, nrow = 4))

# two-dimensional domain
f2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:5, 1:6), X = array(1:120, c(4,5,6)))

# multivariate functional data
m1 <- multiFunData(f1, f2)

# irregular functional data
i1 <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4, 3:5), X = list(1:5, 2:4, -(3:1)))

Coerce an irregFunData object to class funData


This function coerces an object of class irregFunData to a funData object with missing values, which is defined on the union of all observation points.



## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'



The irregFunData object that is to be converted to a funData object with missing values.

See Also

funData, irregFunData

Coerce a funData object to class irregFunData


This function coerces an object of class funData to a irregFunData object.



## S4 method for signature 'funData'



The funData object that is to be converted to a irregFunData object.

See Also

funData, irregFunData

Coerce a funData object to class multiFunData


Coerce a funData object to class multiFunData with one element.



## S4 method for signature 'funData'



The funData object that is to be converted to a multiFunData object of length 1.

See Also

funData, multiFunData


# create funData object with 5 observations
x <- seq(0,1,0.01)
f1 <- funData(argvals = x, X = 1:5 %o% x)

# coerce to multiFunData object (of length 1)
m1 <- as.multiFunData(f1)

Visualize functional data objects using ggplot


This function allows to plot funData objects based on the ggplot2 package. The function provides a wrapper that rearranges the data in a funData object on a one- or two-dimensional domain and provides a basic ggplot object, which can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.


  obs = seq_len(nObs(object)),
  geom = "line",
  plotNA = FALSE,

  obs = seq_len(nObs(object)),
  geom = "line",
  plotNA = FALSE,



A funData object on a one- or two-dimensional domain.


A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in object. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


A character string describing the geometric object to use. Defaults to "line". See ggplot2 for details.


Logical. If TRUE, missing values are interpolated using the approxNA function (only for one-dimensional functions). Defaults to FALSE. See Details.


Further parameters passed to geom_line (for one dimensional domains, e.g. alpha, color, fill, linetype, size) or to geom_raster (for two-dimensional domains, e.g. hjust, vjust, interpolate).


If some observations contain missing values (coded via NA), the functions can be interpolated using the option plotNA = TRUE. This option relies on the na.approx function in package zoo and is currently implemented for one-dimensional functions only in the function approxNA.


A ggplot object that can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.

See Also

funData, ggplot, plot.funData


# Install / load package ggplot2 before running the examples

# One-dimensional
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
object <- funData(argvals,
                   outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), sin(argvals)))

g <- autoplot(object) # returns ggplot object
g # plot the object

# add the mean function in red
g + autolayer(meanFunction(object),  col = 2)

# Two-dimensional
X <- array(0, dim = c(2, length(argvals), length(argvals)))
X[1,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin((x-pi)^2 + (y-pi)^2)})
X[2,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin(2*x*pi) * cos(2*y*pi)})
object2D <- funData(list(argvals, argvals), X)

autoplot(object2D, obs = 1)
autoplot(object2D, obs = 2)
## Not run: autoplot(object2D) # must specify obs!

### More examples ###

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

# using plotNA (needs packages zoo and gridExtra)

objectMissing <- funData(1:5, rbind(c(1, NA, 5, 4, 3), c(10, 9, NA, NA, 6)))
g1 <- autoplot(objectMissing) # the default
g2 <- autoplot(objectMissing, plotNA = TRUE) # requires zoo

gridExtra::grid.arrange(g1 + ggtitle("plotNA = FALSE (default)"),
                        g2 + ggtitle("plotNA = TRUE")) # requires gridExtra

# Customizing plots (see ggplot2 documentation for more details)
# parameters passed to geom_line are passed via the ... argument
gFancy <- autoplot(object, color = "red", linetype = 2) 

# new layers can be added directly to the ggplot object
gFancy + theme_bw() # add new layers to the ggplot object
gFancy + ggtitle("Fancy Plot with Title and Axis Legends") + 
         xlab("The x-Axis") + ylab("The y-Axis")

autoplot(object2D, obs = 1) + ggtitle("Customized 2D plot") + theme_minimal() +
          scale_fill_gradient(high = "green", low = "blue", name = "Legend here")

Visualize irregular functional data objects using ggplot


This function allows to plot irregFunData objects on their domain based on the ggplot2 package. The function provides a wrapper that returns a basic ggplot object, which can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.


autoplot.irregFunData(object, obs = seq_len(nObs(object)), geom = "line", ...)

autolayer.irregFunData(object, obs = seq_len(nObs(object)), geom = "line", ...)



A irregFunData object.


A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in object. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


A character string describing the geometric object to use. Defaults to "line". See ggplot2 for details.


Further parameters passed to stat_identity, e.g. alpha, color, fill, linetype, size).


A ggplot object that can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.

See Also

irregFunData, ggplot, plot.irregFunData


# Install / load package ggplot2 before running the examples

# Generate data
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
ind <- replicate(5, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10,1))))
object <- irregFunData(argvals = lapply(ind, function(i){argvals[i]}),
                  X = lapply(ind, function(i){sample(1:10,1) / 10 * argvals[i]^2}))

# Plot the data

 # Parameters passed to geom_line are passed via the ... argument
autoplot(object, color = "red", linetype = 3)

# Plot the data and add green dots for the 2nd function
autoplot(object) + autolayer(object, obs = 2, geom = "point", color = "green")

# New layers can be added directly to the ggplot object using functions from the ggplot2 package
g <- autoplot(object)
g + theme_bw() + ggtitle("Plot with minimal theme and axis labels") +
    xlab("The x-Axis") + ylab("The y-Axis")

Visualize multivariate functional data objects using ggplot


This function allows to plot multiFunData objects based on the ggplot2 package. The function applies the autoplot.funData function to each element and returns either a combined plot with all elements plotted in one row or a list containing the different subplots as ggplot objects. The individual objects can be customized using all functionalities of the ggplot2 package.


  obs = seq_len(nObs(object)),
  dim = seq_len(length(object)),
  plotGrid = FALSE,



A multiFunData object that is to be plotted.


A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in object. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


The dimensions to plot. Defaults to length(object), i.e. all functions in object are plotted.


Logical. If TRUE, the data is plotted using grid.arrange and the list of ggplot objects is returned invisibly. If FALSE, only the list of objects is returned. Defaults to FALSE.


Further parameters passed to the univariate autoplot.funData functions for funData objects.


A list of ggplot objects that are also printed directly as a grid if plotGrid = TRUE.


Currently, the function does not accept different parameters for the univariate elements.

See Also

multiFunData, ggplot, plot.multiFunData


# Load packages ggplot2 and gridExtra before running the examples
library("ggplot2"); library("gridExtra")

# One-dimensional elements
argvals <- seq(0, 2*pi, 0.01)
f1 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), sin(argvals)))
f2 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), cos(argvals)))

m1 <- multiFunData(f1, f2)

g <- autoplot(m1) # default
g[[1]] # plot first element
g[[2]] # plot second element
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = g, nrow = 1) # requires gridExtra package

autoplot(m1, plotGrid = TRUE) # the same directly with plotGrid = TRUE

# Mixed-dimensional elements
X <- array(0, dim = c(11, length(argvals), length(argvals)))
X[1,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin((x-pi)^2 + (y-pi)^2)})
f2 <- funData(list(argvals, argvals), X)

m2 <- multiFunData(f1, f2)

autoplot(m2, obs = 1, plotGrid = TRUE)

# Customizing plots (see ggplot2 documentation for more details)
g2 <- autoplot(m2, obs = 1)
g2[[1]] <- g2[[1]] + ggtitle("First element") + theme_bw()
g2[[2]] <- g2[[2]] + ggtitle("Second element") + 
                     scale_fill_gradient(high = "green", low = "blue")
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = g2, nrow = 1) # requires gridExtra package

Support dimension of functional data


This function returns the support dimension of an object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.





An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


If object is univariate (i.e. of class funData or irregFunData), the function returns the dimension of the support of object. If object is multivariate (i.e. of class multiFunData), the function returns a vector, giving the support dimension of each element.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData


# Univariate (one-dimensional)
object1 <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (two-dimensional)
object2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:10, 1:5), X = array(rnorm(100), dim = c(2,10,5)))

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object1, object2)

Generate orthonormal eigenfunctions


This function calculates MM (orthonormal) basis functions on a given interval, that can be interpreted as the first MM eigenfunctions of an appropriate data generating process of functional data.


eFun(argvals, M, ignoreDeg = NULL, type)



A vector of numerics, defining a (fine) grid on the interval for which the basis functions are computed.


An integer, specifying the number of functions that are calculated.


A vector of numerics, specifying the degrees to be ignored for type "PolyHigh". Defaults to NULL. See Details.


A character string, specifying the type of functions that are calculated. See Details.


The function implements three families of orthonormal basis functions plus variations of them. The parameter type, that specifies the functions to be calculated, can have the following values:

  • "Poly": Calculate orthonormal Legendre polynomials of degree 0,...,M-1.

  • "PolyHigh": Calculate MM orthonormal Legendre Polynomials of higher degree. The vector of indices ignoreDeg specifies the functions to be ignored. If ignoreDeg is not specified, the function returns an error.

  • "Fourier": Calculate the first MM Fourier basis functions.

  • "FourierLin": Calculate the first M1M-1 Fourier basis functions plus the linear function, orthonormalized to the previous functions via Gram-Schmidts method. This type is currently implemented for functions on the unit interval [0,1][0,1] only. If the function is called with other argvals, an error is thrown.

  • "Wiener": Calculate the first MM orthonormal eigenfunctions of the Wiener process.


A univariate functional data object of class funData containing the basis functions on the given interval.

See Also

funData, simFunData, simMultiFunData


oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

argvals <- seq(0,1,0.01)

par(mfrow = c(3,2))
plot(eFun(argvals, M = 4, type = "Poly"), main = "Poly", ylim = c(-3,3))
plot(eFun(argvals, M = 4, ignoreDeg = 1:2, type = "PolyHigh"), main = "PolyHigh",  ylim = c(-3,3))
plot(eFun(argvals, M = 4, type = "Fourier"), main = "Fourier", ylim = c(-3,3))
plot(eFun(argvals, M = 4, type = "FourierLin"), main = "FourierLin", ylim = c(-3,3))
plot(eFun(argvals, M = 4, type = "Wiener"), main = "Wiener",  ylim = c(-3,3))

Generate a sequence of simulated eigenvalues


This function generates MM decreasing eigenvalues.


eVal(M, type)



An integer, the number of eigenvalues to be generated.


A character string specifying the type of eigenvalues that should be calculated. See Details.


The function implements three types of eigenvalues:

  • "linear": The eigenvalues start at 11 and decrease linearly towards 00:

    νm=M+1mm.\nu_m = \frac{M+1-m}{m}.

  • "exponential": The eigenvalues start at 11 and decrease exponentially towards 00:

    νm=exp(m12).\nu_m = \exp\left(-\frac{m-1}{2}\right).

  • "wiener": The eigenvalues correspond to the eigenvalues of the Wiener process:

    νm=1(π/2(2m1))2.\nu_m = \frac{1}{(\pi/2 \cdot (2m-1))^2}.


A vector containing the M decreasing eigenvalues.


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# simulate M = 10 eigenvalues
M <- 10
eLin <- eVal(M = M, type = "linear")
eExp <- eVal(M = M, type = "exponential")
eWien <- eVal(M = M, type = "wiener")

par(mfrow = c(1,1))
plot(1:M, eLin, pch = 20, xlab = "m", ylab = expression(nu[m]), ylim = c(0,1))
points(1:M, eExp, pch = 20, col = 3)
points(1:M, eWien, pch = 20, col = 4)
legend("topright", legend = c("linear", "exponential", "wiener"), pch = 20, col = c(1,3,4))


Extract observations of functional data


This function extracts one or more observations and/or observations on a part of the domain from a funData, irregFunData or multiFunData object.


  obs = seq_len(nObs(object)),
  argvals = funData::argvals(object)

## S4 method for signature 'funData'
subset(x, obs = seq_len(nObs(x)), argvals = funData::argvals(x))

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'
subset(x, obs = seq_len(nObs(x)), argvals = funData::argvals(x))

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'
subset(x, obs = seq_len(nObs(x)), argvals = funData::argvals(x))

## S4 method for signature 'funData,ANY,missing,missing'
x[i, j, ..., drop = TRUE]

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData,ANY,missing,missing'
x[i, j, ..., drop = TRUE]

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData,ANY,missing,missing'
x[i = seq_len(nObs(x)), j, ..., drop = TRUE]



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


A numeric vector, giving the indices of the observations to extract (default: all observations).


The part of the domain to be extracted (default: the whole domain object@argvals). Must be a list or a numeric vector (only for one-dimensional domains, see also the definition of funData, multiFunData).


An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData (for subset).


A numeric vector, giving the indices of the observations to extract when using x[i]. Defaults to all observations.

j, drop

not used


Used to pass further arguments to extractObs. Here only usable for argvals.


In case of an irregFunData object, some functions may not have observation points in the given part of the domain. In this case, the functions are removed from the extracted dataset and a warning is thrown.

If only observations are to be extracted, the usual notation object[1:3] is equivalent to extractObs(object, obs = 1:3). This works only if the domain remains unchanged.


An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData containing the desired observations.


  • x[i:


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with up to three-dimensional domains.


The function subset is an alias for extractObs.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData


# Univariate - one-dimensional domain
object1 <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))
extractObs(object1, obs = 1)
extractObs(object1, argvals = 1:3)
extractObs(object1, argvals = list(1:3)) # the same as the statement before
# alias
subset(object1, argvals = 1:3)

# Univariate - two-dimensional domains
object2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:5, 1:6), X = array(1:60, dim = c(2, 5, 6)))
extractObs(object2, obs = 1)
extractObs(object2, argvals = list(1:3, c(2,4,6))) # argvals must be supplied as list

# Univariate - irregular
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))
extractObs(irregObject, obs = 2)
extractObs(irregObject, argvals = 1:3)
extractObs(irregObject, argvals = c(1,5)) # throws a warning, as second function has no observations

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object1, object2)
extractObs(multiObject, obs = 2)
multiObject[2] # shorthand
extractObs(multiObject, argvals = list(1:3, list(1:3, c(2,4,6))))

### Shorthand via "[]"
object1[argvals = 1:3]
object2[argvals = list(1:3, c(2,4,6))]
irregObject[argvals = 1:3]

Convert an fd object to funData


This function converts an object of class fd (from package fda) to an object of class funData. It heavily builds on the function eval.fd from the fda package. The fd representation assumes a basis representation for the observed functions and therefore implicitly smoothes the data. In funData objects, the data is saved in 'raw' format.


fd2funData(fdobj, argvals, ...)



An fd object


A vector or a list of length one, containing a vector with argument values at which the functions in fdobj should be evaluated.


Other parameters passed to eval.fd.


An object of class funData.


Time names in fdobj$fdnames$time are not preserved.

See Also

funData, fd, eval.fd


# Install / load package fda before running the examples

# from Data2fd help
daybasis <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), nbasis=65)
# fd object of daily temperatures
tempfd <- Data2fd(argvals = day.5, y = CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,"Temperature.C"], daybasis)
# convert to funData
tempFun <- fd2funData(tempfd, argvals = day.5)

# plot to compare
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(tempfd, main = "fd object")
plot(tempFun, main = "funData object")

Flip functional data objects


This function flips an object newObject of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData with respect to a reference object refObject of the same class (or of class funData, if newObject is irregular). This is particularly useful when dealing with functional principal components, as they are only defined up to a sign change. For details, see below.


flipFuns(refObject, newObject, ...)



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData that serves as reference. It must have the same number of observations as newObject or have only one observation. In this case, all observations in newObject are flipped with respect to this single observation.


An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData that is to be flipped with respect to refObject.


Further parameters passed to norm.


Functional principal component analysis is an important tool in functional data analysis. Just as eigenvectors, eigenfunctions (or functional principal components) are only defined up to a sign change. This may lead to difficulties in simulation studies or when bootstrapping pointwise confidence bands, as in these cases one wants the estimates to have the same "orientation" as the true function (in simulation settings) or the non-bootstrapped estimate (when calculating bootstrap confidence bands). This function allows to flip (i.e. multiply by 1-1) all observations in newObject that have a different orientation than their counterparts in refData.

Technically, the function compares the distance between newObject and refObject

fnewfref|||f_\mathrm{new} - f_\mathrm{ref}|||

and the distance between newObject and -1 * refObject

fnew+fref.|||f_\mathrm{new} + f_\mathrm{ref}|||.

If newObject is closer to -1 * refObject, it is flipped, i.e. multiplied by -1.


An object of the same class as newData with flipped observations.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with one- and two-dimensional domains.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, Arith.funData


### Univariate
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
refData <- funData(argvals, rbind(sin(argvals))) # one observation as reference
newData <- funData(argvals, outer(sample(c(-1,1), 11, replace = TRUE) * seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05),

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))

plot(newData, col = "grey", main = "Original data")
plot(refData, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(flipFuns(refData, newData), col = "grey", main = "Flipped data")
plot(refData, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

### Univariate (irregular)
ind <- replicate(11, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10,1)))) # sample observation points
argvalsIrreg <- lapply(ind, function(i){argvals[i]})
argvalsIrregAll <- unique(sort(unlist(argvalsIrreg)))
 # one observation as reference (fully observed)
refDataFull <- funData(argvals, rbind(sin(argvals)))
 # one observation as reference (irregularly observed)
refDataIrreg <- irregFunData(argvals = list(argvalsIrregAll), X = list(sin(argvalsIrregAll)))
newData <- irregFunData(argvals = argvalsIrreg, X = mapply(function(x, a, s){s * a * sin(x)},
     x = argvalsIrreg, a = seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), s = sample(c(-1,1), 11, replace = TRUE)))

plot(newData, col = "grey", main = "Original data (regular reference)")
plot(refDataFull, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(flipFuns(refDataFull, newData), col = "grey", main = "Flipped data")
plot(refDataFull, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(newData, col = "grey", main = "Original data (irregular reference)")
plot(refDataIrreg, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(flipFuns(refDataIrreg, newData), col = "grey", main = "Flipped data")
plot(refDataIrreg, col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

### Multivariate
refData <- multiFunData(funData(argvals, rbind(sin(argvals))), # one observation as reference
                        funData(argvals, rbind(cos(argvals)))) 
sig <- sample(c(-1,1), 11, replace = TRUE) 
newData <- multiFunData(funData(argvals, outer(sig * seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), sin(argvals))),
                        funData(argvals, outer(sig * seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), cos(argvals))))
par(mfrow = c(2,2))

plot(newData[[1]], col = topo.colors(11), main = "Original data")
plot(refData[[1]], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(newData[[2]], col = topo.colors(11), main = "Original data")
plot(refData[[2]], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(flipFuns(refData, newData)[[1]], col = topo.colors(11), main = "Flipped data")
plot(refData[[1]], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

plot(flipFuns(refData, newData)[[2]], col = topo.colors(11), main = "Flipped data")
plot(refData[[2]], col = "red", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)


A class for (univariate) functional data


The funData class represents functional data on dd-dimensional domains. The two slots represent the domain (x-values) and the values of the different observations (y-values).


funData(argvals, X)

## S4 method for signature 'list,array'
funData(argvals, X)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,array'
funData(argvals, X)

## S4 method for signature 'funData'

## S4 method for signature 'funData'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'funData'
names(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'funData'
str(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'funData'
summary(object, ...)



A list of numeric vectors or a single numeric vector, giving the sampling points in the domains. See Details.


An array of dimension N×MN \times M (for one-dimensional domains, or N×M1××MdN \times M_1 \times \ldots \times M_d for higher-dimensional domains), giving the observed values for NN individuals. Missing values can be included via NA. See Details.


A funData object.


The funData object.


The names to be given to the funData curves.


Other parameters passed to summary.


Functional data can be seen as realizations of a random process

X:TIRX: \mathcal{T} \to \mathrm{IR}

on a dd-dimensional domain T\mathcal{T}. The data is usually sampled on a fine grid TTT \subset \mathcal{T}, which is represented in the argvals slot of a funData object. All observations are assumed to be sampled over the same grid TT, but can contain missing values (see below). If T\mathcal{T} is one-dimensional, argvals can be supplied either as a numeric vector, containing the x-values or as a list, containing such a vector. If T\mathcal{T} is higher-dimensional, argvals must always be supplied as a list, containing numeric vectors of the x-values in dimensions 1,,d1,\ldots,d.

The observed values are represented in the X slot of a funData object, which is an array of dimension N×MN \times M (for one-dimensional domains, or N×M1××MdN \times M_1 \times \ldots \times M_d for higher-dimensional domains). Here NN equals the number of observations and MM denotes the number of sampling points (for higher dimensional domains MiM_i denotes the number of sampling points in dimension i,i=1,,di, i = 1,\ldots, d). Missing values in the observations are allowed and must be marked by NA. If missing values occur due to irregular observation points, the data can be stored alternatively as an object of class irregFunData.

Generic functions for the funData class include a print method, plotting and basic arithmetics. Further methods for funData:

  • dimSupp, nObs: Informations about the support dimensions and the number of observations,

  • getArgvals, extractObs: Getting/Setting slot values (instead of accessing them directly via funData@argvals, funData@X) and extracting single observations or data on a subset of the domain,

  • integrate, norm: Integrate all observations over their domain or calculating the L2L^2 norm.

A funData object can be coerced to a multiFunData object using as.multiFunData(funDataObject).

Methods (by generic)

  • funData(argvals = list, X = array): Constructor for functional data objects with argvals given as list.

  • funData(argvals = numeric, X = array): Constructor for functional data objects with argvals given as vector of numerics (only valid for one-dimensional domains).

  • show(funData): Print basic information about the funData object in the console. The default console output for funData objects.

  • names(funData): Get the names of the funData object.

  • names(funData) <- value: Set the names of the funData object.

  • str(funData): A str method for funData objects, giving a compact overview of the structure.

  • summary(funData): A summary method for funData objects.


  • funData(): Constructor for functional data objects, first argument (argvals) passed as list or vector of numerics



The domain T\mathcal{T} of the data. See Details.


The functional data samples. See Details.

See Also

irregFunData, multiFunData


### Creating a one-dimensional funData object with 2 observations
# Basic
f1 <- new("funData", argvals = list(1:5), X = rbind(1:5,6:10))
# Using the constructor with first argument supplied as array
f2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:5), X = rbind(1:5, 6:10)) 
# Using the constructor with first argument supplied as numeric vector
f3 <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10)) 
# Test if all the same
# Display funData object in the console

# A more realistic object
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
object <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05), sin(argvals)))
# Display / summary give basic information
# Use the plot function to get an impression of the data

### Higher-dimensional funData objects with 2 observations
# Basic
g1 <- new("funData", argvals = list(1:5, 1:3),
                     X = array(1:30, dim = c(2,5,3))) 
# Using the constructor
g2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:5, 1:3),
              X = array(1:30, dim = c(2,5,3)))
# Test if the same
# Display funData object in the console
# Summarize information

Convert a funData object to fd


This function converts an object of class funData to an object of class fd (from package fda). It heavily builds on the function Data2fd from the fda package. The fd representation assumes a basis representation for the observed functions and therefore implicitly smoothes the data. In funData objects, the data is saved in 'raw' format.


funData2fd(object, ...)



A funData object


Other parameters passed to Data2fd.


An object of class fd.


This function works only for funData objects on one-dimensional domains.

See Also

funData, fd, Data2fd, fd2funData


# Install / load package fda before running the examples

# from Data2fd help
daybasis <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), nbasis=65)
# funData object with temperature
tempFun <- funData(day.5, t(CanadianWeather$dailyAv[, , "Temperature.C"]))
# convert to fd
tempfd <- funData2fd(tempFun, daybasis)

# plot to compare
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(tempFun, main = "funData object (raw data)")
plot(tempfd, main = "fd object (smoothed)")

ggplot Graphics for Functional Data Objects


This function is deprecated. Use autoplot.funData / autolayer.funData for funData objects, autoplot.multiFunData for multiFunData objects and autoplot.irregFunData / autolayer.irregFunData for irregFunData objects instead.


ggplot(data, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'funData'
ggplot(data, add = FALSE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'
ggplot(data, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'
ggplot(data, add = FALSE, ...)



A funData, multiFunData or irregFunData object.


Further parameters passed to the class-specific methods.


Logical. If TRUE, add to current plot (only for one-dimensional functions). Defaults to FALSE.


In the default case, this function calls ggplot (if available).


A ggplot object

See Also

ggplot, autoplot, autolayer from package ggplot2

Integrate functional data


Integrate all observations of a funData, irregFunData or multiFunData object over their domain.


integrate(object, ...)



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


Further parameters (see Details).


Further parameters passed to this function may include:

  • method: Character string. The integration rule to be used, passed to the internal function .intWeights. Defaults to "trapezoidal" (alternative: "midpoint").

  • fullDom: Logical. If object is of class irregFunData, setting fullDom = TRUE extrapolates all functions linearly to the full domain before calculating the integrals. Defaults to FALSE. For details on the extrapolation, see extrapolateIrreg.


A vector of numerics, containing the integral values for each observation.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with up to three-dimensional domains. In the default case, this function calls integrate.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData


# Univariate
object <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <-irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))
integrate(irregObject) # fullDom = FALSE
integrate(irregObject, fullDom = TRUE)

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object, funData(argvals = 1:3, X = rbind(3:5, 6:8)))

A class for irregularly sampled functional data


The irregFunData class represents functional data that is sampled irregularly on one-dimensional domains. The two slots represent the observation points (x-values) and the observed function values (y-values).


irregFunData(argvals, X)

## S4 method for signature 'list,list'
irregFunData(argvals, X)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'irregFunData'
names(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'
str(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'
summary(object, ...)



A list of numerics, corresponding to the observation points for each realization XiX_i (see Details).


A list of numerics, corresponding to the observed functions XiX_i (see Details).


An irregFunData object.


The irregFunData object.


The names to be given to the irregFunData curves.


Other parameters passed to summary.


Irregular functional data are realizations of a random process

X:TIR,X: \mathcal{T} \to \mathrm{IR},

where each realization XiX_i of XX is given on an individual grid TiTT_i \subset \mathcal{T} of observation points. As for the funData class, each object of the irregFunData class has two slots; the argvals slot represents the observation points and the X slot represents the observed data. In contrast to the regularly sampled data, both slots are defined as lists of vectors, where each entry corresponds to one observed function:

  • argvals[[i]] contains the vector of observation points TiT_i for the i-th function,

  • X[[i]] contains the corresponding observed data Xi(tij),tijTiX_i(t_{ij}), t_{ij} \in T_i.

Generic functions for the irregFunData class include a print method, plotting and basic arithmetics. Further methods for irregFunData:

  • dimSupp, nObs: Informations about the support dimensions and the number of observations,

  • getArgvals, extractObs: Getting/setting slot values (instead of accessing them directly via irregObject@argvals, irregObject@X) and extracting single observations or data on a subset of the domain,

  • integrate, norm: Integrate all observations over their domain or calculating the L2L^2 norm.

An irregFunData object can be coerced to a funData object using as.funData(irregObject). The regular functional data object is defined on the union of all observation grids of the irregular object. The value of the new object is marked as missing (NA) for observation points that are in the union, but not in the original observation grid.

Methods (by generic)

  • irregFunData(argvals = list, X = list): Constructor for irregular functional data objects.

  • show(irregFunData): Print basic information about the irregFunData object in the console. The default console output for irregFunData objects.

  • names(irregFunData): Get the names of the irregFunData object.

  • names(irregFunData) <- value: Set the names of the irregFunData object.

  • str(irregFunData): A str method for irregFunData objects, giving a compact overview of the structure.

  • summary(irregFunData): A summary method for irregFunData objects.


  • irregFunData(): Constructor for irregular functional data objects



A list of numerics, representing the observation grid TiT_i for each realization XiX_i of XX.


A list of numerics, representing the values of each observation XiX_i of XX on the corresponding observation points TiT_i.


Currently, the class is implemented only for functional data on one-dimensional domains TIR\mathcal{T} \subset \mathrm{IR}.

See Also

funData, multiFunData


# Construct an irregular functional data object
i1 <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))
# Display in the console
# Summarize

# A more realistic object
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi, 0.01)
ind <- replicate(11, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10,1)))) # sample observation points
argvalsIrreg <- lapply(ind, function(i){argvals[i]})
i2 <- irregFunData(argvals = argvalsIrreg, X = mapply(function(x, a){a * sin(x)},
             x = argvalsIrreg, a = seq(0.75, 1.25, by = 0.05)))
# Display/summary gives basic information
# Use the plot function to get an impression of the data

Mathematical operations for functional data objects


These functions allow to apply mathematical operations (such as exp(),log(),sin(),cos()exp(), log(), sin(), cos() or abs()abs() to functional data objects based on Math. The operations are made pointwise for each observation.


## S4 method for signature 'funData'

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData'



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


An object of the same functional data class as x.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, Math


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2))

# simulate a funData object on 0..1 with 10 observations
argvals <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
f <- simFunData(argvals = argvals, N = 10, 
                M = 5, eFunType = "Fourier", eValType = "linear")$simData

### FunData
plot(f, main = "Original data")
plot(abs(f), main = "Absolute values")

### Irregular
# create an irrgFunData object by sparsifying f
i <- as.irregFunData(sparsify(f, minObs = 5, maxObs = 10))

plot(i, main = "Sparse data")
plot(cumsum(i), main = "'cumsum' of sparse data")

### Multivariate
m <- multiFunData(f, -1*f)
plot(m, main = "Multivariate Data")
plot(exp(m), main = "Exponential")


Mean for functional data


This function calculates the pointwise mean function for objects of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


meanFunction(object, na.rm = FALSE)



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


Logical. If TRUE, NA values are removed before computing the mean. Defaults to FALSE.


An object of the same class as object with one observation that corresponds to the pointwise mean function of the functions in object.


If object is of class irregFunData, the option na.rm = TRUE is not implemented and throws an error. If na.rm = FALSE, the functions must be observed on the same domain.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, Arith.funData


### Univariate (one-dimensional support)
x <- seq(0, 2*pi, 0.01)
f1 <- funData(x, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, 0.05), sin(x)))

plot(meanFunction(f1), col = 1, lwd = 2, add = TRUE)

### Univariate (two-dimensional support)
f2 <- funData(list(1:5, 1:3), array(rep(1:5,each = 11, times = 3), dim = c(11,5,3)))
all.equal(f2[1], meanFunction(f2)) # f2 has 11 identical observations

### Multivariate
m1 <- multiFunData(f1,f2)
all.equal(m1[6], meanFunction(m1)) # observation 6 equals the pointwise mean

### Irregular
i1 <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:3,1:3,1:3), X = list(1:3,2:4,3:5))
all.equal(meanFunction(i1), i1[2])
# don't run: functions are not defined on the same domain
## Not run: meanFunction(irregFunData(argvals = list(1:3,1:5), X = list(1:3,1:5)))

A class for multivariate functional data


The multiFunData class represents multivariate functional data on (potentially) different domains, i.e. a multivariate functional data object is a vector of (univariate) functional data objects, just as a vector in IRn\mathrm{IR}^n is a vector of nn scalars. In this implementation, a multiFunData object is represented as a list of univariate funData objects, see Details.



## S4 method for signature 'ANY'

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'multiFunData'
names(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'
str(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData'
summary(object, ...)



A list of funData objects or several funData objects passed as one argument, each. See Details.


The multiFunData object.


The names to be given to the multiFunData curves.


A multiFunData object.


A multiFunData object is represented as a list of univariate funData objects, each having a argvals and X slot, representing the x-values and the observed y-values (see the funData class). When constructing a multiFunData object, the elements can be supplied as a list of funData objects or can be passed directly as arguments to the constructor function.

Most functions implemented for the funData class are also implemented for multiFunData objects. In most cases, they simply apply the corresponding univariate method to each element of the multivariate object and return it as a vector (if the result of the univariate function is scalar, such as dimSupp) or as a multiFunData object (if the result of the univariate function is a funData object, such as extractObs).

The norm of a multivariate functional data f=(f1,,fp)f = (f_1 , \ldots, f_p) is defined as

f:=(j=1pfj2)1/2.||| f ||| := \left(\sum_{j=1}^p || f_j ||^2 \right) ^{1/2}.

A funData object can be coerced to a multiFunData object with one element using as.multiFunData(funDataObject).

Methods (by generic)

  • multiFunData(ANY): Constructor for multivariate functional data objects.

  • names(multiFunData): Get the names of the multiFunData object.

  • names(multiFunData) <- value: Set the names of the multiFunData object.

  • str(multiFunData): A str method for multiFunData objects, giving a compact overview of the structure.

  • summary(multiFunData): A summary method for multiFunData objects.


  • multiFunData(): Constructor for multivariate functional data objects

See Also



### Creating a multifunData object with 2 observations on the same domain
# Univariate elements
x <- 1:5
f1 <- funData(x, rbind(x, x+1))
f2 <- funData(x,rbind(x^2, sin(x)))
# Basic
m1 <- new("multiFunData", list(f1,f2))
# Using the constructor, passing the elements as list
m2 <- multiFunData(list(f1,f2))
# Using the constructor, passing the elements directly
m3 <- multiFunData(f1,f2)
# Test if all the same
# Display multiFunData object in the console
# Summarize

### Creating a multifunData object with 2 observations on different domains (both 1D)
# A new element
y <- 1:3
g1 <- funData(y, rbind(3*y, y+4))
# Create the multiFunData object
m4 <- multiFunData(f1,g1)
# Display multiFunData object in the console

### Creating a multifunData object with 2 observations on different domains (1D and 2D)
# A new element
y <- 1:3; z <- 1:4
g2 <- funData(list(y,z), array(rnorm(24), dim = c(2,3,4)))
# Create the multiFunData object
m5 <- multiFunData(f1,g2)
# Display multiFunData object in the console

### A more realistic object
# element 1
x <- seq(0,2*pi, 0.01)
f1 <- funData(x, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 6), sin(x)))
# element 2
y <- seq(-1,1, 0.01); z <- seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.01)
X2 <- array(NA, c(6, length(y), length(z)))
for(i in 1:6) X2[i,,] <- outer(y, z, function(x,y){sin(i*pi*y)*cos(i*pi*z)})
f2 <- funData(list(y,z), X2)
# MultiFunData Object
m6 <- multiFunData(f1,f2)
# Display multiFunData object in the console for basic information
# Summarize
# Use the plot function to get an impression of the data
## Not run: plot(m6) # m6 has 2D element, must specify one observation for plotting
plot(m6, obs = 1, main = c("1st element (obs 1)", "2nd element (obs 1)"))
plot(m6, obs = 6, main = c("1st element (obs 6)", "2nd element (obs 6)"))

Get the number of observations


This functions returns the number of observations in a funData, irregFunData or multiFunData object.





An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


The number of observations in object.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData


# Univariate
object <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object, funData(argvals = 1:3, X = rbind(3:5, 6:8)))

Get the number of observation points


This functions returns the number of observation points in an object of class funData, multiFunData or irregFunData.





An object of class funData, multiFunData or irregFunData.


Depending on the class of object, the function returns different values:

  • If object is of class funData, the function returns a vector of length dimSupp(object), giving the number of observations in each dimension.

  • If object is of class multiFunData, the function returns a list of the same length as object, where the j-th entry is a vector, corresponding to the observations point of object[[j]].

  • If object is of class irregFunData, the function returns an array of length nObs(object), where the j-th entry corresponds to the number of observations in the j-th observed function.


The number of observation points in object. See Details.


Do not confound with nObs, which returns the number of observations (i.e. the number of observed functions) in an object of a functional data class.

See Also

irregFunData, extractObs


# Univariate (one-dimensional)
object1 <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (two-dimensional)
object2 <- funData(argvals = list(1:5, 1:6), X = array(1:60, dim = c(2, 5, 6)))

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object1, object2)

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))

Calculate the norm of functional data


This function calculates the norm for each observation of a funData, irregFunData or multiFunData object.



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


Further parameters (see Details).


For funData objects, the standard L2L^2 norm is calculated:

f=(Tf(t)2dt)1/2.||f|| = \left( \int_{\mathcal{T}} f(t)^2 dt \right)^{1/2}.

For irregFunData objects, each observed function is integrated only on the observed grid points (unless fullDom = TRUE).

The (weighted) norm of a multivariate functional data object f=(f1,,fp)f = (f_1 , \ldots, f_p) is defined as

f:=(j=1pwjfj2)1/2.||| f ||| := \left(\sum_{j=1}^p w_j || f_j ||^2 \right) ^{1/2}.

Further parameters passed to this function may include:

  • squared: Logical. If TRUE (default), the function calculates the squared norm, otherwise the result is not squared.

  • obs: A numeric vector, giving the indices of the observations, for which the norm is to be calculated. Defaults to all observations.

  • method: A character string, giving the integration method to be used. See integrate for details.

  • weight: An optional vector of weights for the scalar product; particularly useful for multivariate functional data, where each entry can be weighted in the scalar product / norm. Defaults to 1 for each element.

  • fullDom: Logical. If object is of class irregFunData and fullDom = TRUE, all functions are extrapolated to the same domain. Defaults to FALSE. See integrate for details.


A numeric vector representing the norm of each observation.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with one- and two-dimensional domains.

See Also

funData, irregFunData, multiFunData, integrate


# Univariate
object <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))
norm(irregObject) # no extrapolation
norm(irregObject, fullDom = TRUE) # extrapolation (of second function)

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object, funData(argvals = 1:3, X = rbind(3:5, 6:8)))
norm(multiObject, weight = c(2,1)) # with weight vector, giving more weight to the first element

Plotting univariate functional data


This function plots observations of univariate functional data on their domain.


## S3 method for class 'funData'
  obs = seq_len(nObs(x)),
  type = "l",
  lty = 1,
  lwd = 1,
  col = NULL,
  xlab = "argvals",
  ylab = "",
  legend = TRUE,
  plotNA = FALSE,
  add = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'funData,missing'
plot(x, y, ...)



An object of class funData.




A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in x. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


The type of plot. Defaults to "l" (line plot). See plot for details.


The line type. Defaults to 1 (solid line). See par for details.


The line width. Defaults to 1. See par for details.


The color of the functions. If not supplied (NULL, default value), one-dimensional functions are plotted in the rainbow palette and two-dimensional functions are plotted using tim.colors from package fields-package.

xlab, ylab

The titles for x- and y-axis. Defaults to "argvals" for the x-axis and no title for the y-axis. See plot for details.


Logical. If TRUE, a color legend is plotted for two-dimensional functions (images). Defaults to TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, missing values are interpolated using the approxNA function (only for one-dimensional functions). Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, add to current plot (only for one-dimensional functions). Defaults to FALSE.


Additional arguments to matplot (one-dimensional functions) or image.plot/ image (two-dimensional functions).


If some observations contain missing values (coded via NA), the functions can be interpolated using the option plotNA = TRUE. This option relies on the na.approx function in package zoo and is currently implemented for one-dimensional functions only in the function approxNA.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with one- and two-dimensional domains.

See Also

funData, matplot, image.plot, image


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# One-dimensional
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
object <- funData(argvals,
                   outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), sin(argvals)))

plot(object, main = "One-dimensional functional data")

# Two-dimensional
X <- array(0, dim = c(2, length(argvals), length(argvals)))
X[1,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin((x-pi)^2 + (y-pi)^2)})
X[2,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin(2*x*pi) * cos(2*y*pi)})
object2D <- funData(list(argvals, argvals), X)

plot(object2D, main = "Two-dimensional functional data (obs 1)", obs = 1)
plot(object2D, main = "Two-dimensional functional data (obs 2)", obs = 2)
## Not run: plot(object2D, main = "Two-dimensional functional data") # must specify obs!

### More examples ###
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

# using plotNA
if(requireNamespace("zoo", quietly = TRUE))
objectMissing <- funData(1:5, rbind(c(1, NA, 5, 4, 3), c(10, 9, NA, NA, 6)))
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(objectMissing, type = "b", pch = 20, main = "plotNA = FALSE") # the default
plot(objectMissing, type = "b", pch = 20, plotNA = TRUE, main = "plotNA = TRUE") # requires zoo

# Changing colors
plot(object, main = "1D functional data in grey", col = "grey")
plot(object, main = "1D functional data in heat.colors", col = heat.colors(nObs(object)))

plot(object2D, main = "2D functional data in topo.colors", obs = 1, col = topo.colors(64))

Plotting irregular functional data


This function plots observations of irregular functional data on their domain.


## S3 method for class 'irregFunData'
  obs = seq_len(nObs(x)),
  type = "b",
  pch = 20,
  col = grDevices::rainbow(length(obs)),
  xlab = "argvals",
  ylab = "",
  xlim = range(x@argvals[obs]),
  ylim = range(x@X[obs]),
  log = "",
  add = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'irregFunData,missing'
plot(x, y, ...)



An object of class irregFunData.




A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in x.


The type of plot. Defaults to "b" (line and point plot). See plot for details.


The point type. Defaults to 20 (solid small circles). See par for details.


The color of the functions. Defaults to the rainbow palette.

xlab, ylab

The titles for x- and y-axis. Defaults to "argvals" for the x-axis and no title for the y-axis. See plot for details.

xlim, ylim

The limits for x- and y-axis. Defaults to the total range of the data that is to plot. See plot for details.


A character string, specifying the axis that is to be logarithmic. Can be "" (non-logarithmic axis, the default), "x", "y", "xy" or "yx". See plot.default for details. This parameter is ignored, if add = TRUE.


Logical. If TRUE, add to current plot (only for one-dimensional functions). Defaults to FALSE.


Additional arguments to plot.

See Also

plot.funData, irregFunData, plot


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# Generate data
argvals <- seq(0,2*pi,0.01)
ind <- replicate(5, sort(sample(1:length(argvals), sample(5:10,1))))
object <- irregFunData(argvals = lapply(ind, function(i){argvals[i]}),
                  X = lapply(ind, function(i){sample(1:10,1) / 10 * argvals[i]^2}))

plot(object, main = "Irregular functional data")


Plotting multivariate functional data


This function plots observations of multivariate functional data on their domain. The graphic device is split in a number of subplots (specified by dim) via mfrow (par) and the univariate elements are plotted using plot.


## S3 method for class 'multiFunData'
  obs = seq_len(nObs(x)),
  dim = seq_len(length(x)),
  par.plot = NULL,
  main = names(x),
  xlab = "argvals",
  ylab = "",
  log = "",
  ylim = NULL,

## S4 method for signature 'multiFunData,missing'
plot(x, y, ...)



An object of class multiFunData.




A vector of numerics giving the observations to plot. Defaults to all observations in x. For two-dimensional functions (images) obs must have length 1.


The dimensions to plot. Defaults to length(x), i.e. all functions in x are plotted.


Graphic parameters to be passed to the plotting regions. The option mfrow is ignored. Defaults to NULL. See par for details.


A string vector, giving the title of the plot. Can have the same length as dim (different titles for each dimension) or length 1 (one title for all dimensions). Defaults to names(x).

xlab, ylab

The titles for x- and y-axis. Defaults to "argvals" for the x-axis and no title for the y-axis for all elements. Can be supplied as a vector of the same length as dim (one x-/y-lab for each element) or a single string that is applied for all elements. See plot for details.


A character string, specifying the axis that is to be logarithmic. Can be "" (non-logarithmic axis), "x", "y", "xy" or "yx". Defaults to "" for all plots. Can be supplied as a vector of the same length as dim (one log-specification for each element) or a single string that is applied for all elements. See plot.default for details.


Specifies the limits of the y-Axis. Can be either NULL (the default, limits are chosen automatically), a vector of length 2 (giving the minimum and maximum range for all elements at the same time) or a list of the same length as dim (specifying the limits for each element separately).


Additional arguments to plot.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with one- and two-dimensional domains.

See Also

funData, multiFunData, plot.funData


oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
argvals <- seq(0, 2*pi, 0.1)

# One-dimensional elements
f1 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), sin(argvals)))
f2 <- funData(argvals, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, length.out = 11), cos(argvals)))

m1 <- multiFunData(f1, f2)
plot(m1, main = c("1st element", "2nd element")) # different titles
plot(m1, main = "Multivariate Functional Data") # one title for all

# Mixed-dimensional elements
X <- array(0, dim = c(11, length(argvals), length(argvals)))
X[1,,] <- outer(argvals, argvals, function(x,y){sin((x-pi)^2 + (y-pi)^2)})
g <- funData(list(argvals, argvals), X)

m2 <- multiFunData(f1, g)
# different titles and labels
plot(m2, main = c("1st element", "2nd element"), obs = 1,
     xlab = c("xlab1", "xlab2"), 
     ylab = "one ylab for all")
# one title for all
plot(m2, main = "Multivariate Functional Data", obs = 1) 

## Not run: plot(m2, main = c("1st element", "2nd element")) # must specify obs!


Calculate the scalar product for functional data objects


This function calculates the scalar product between two objects of the class funData, irregFunData and multiFunData. For univariate functions f,gf,g on a domain T\mathcal{T}, the scalar product is defined as

Tf(t)g(t)dt\int_\mathcal{T} f(t) g(t) \mathrm{d}t

and for multivariate functions f,gf,g on domains T1,,Tp\mathcal{T}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{T}_p, it is defined as

j=1pTjf(j)(t)g(j)(t)dt.\sum_{j = 1}^p \int_{\mathcal{T}_j} f^{(j)}(t) g^{(j)}(t) \mathrm{d}t.

As seen in the formula, the objects must be defined on the same domain. The scalar product is calculated pairwise for all observations, thus the objects must also have the same number of observations or one object may have only one observation (for which the scalar product is calculated with all observations of the other object)). Objects of the classes funData and irregFunData can be combined, see integrate for details.


scalarProduct(object1, object2, ...)


object1, object2

Two objects of classfunData, irregFunData or multiFunData, for that the scalar product is to be calculated.


Additional parameters passed to integrate. For multiFunData objects, one can also pass a weight argument. See Details.


For multiFunData one can pass an optional vector weight for calculating a weighted scalar product. This vector must have the same number of elements as the multiFunData objects and have to be non-negative with at least one weight that is different from 0. Defaults to 1 for each element. See also norm.


A vector of length nObs(object1) (or nObs(object2), if object1 has only one observation), containing the pairwise scalar product for each observation.

See Also

integrate, norm,


# create two funData objectw with 5 observations on [0,1]
f <- simFunData(N = 5, M = 7, eValType = "linear",
                eFunType = "Fourier", argvals = seq(0,1,0.01))$simData
g <- simFunData(N = 5, M = 4, eValType = "linear",
                eFunType = "Poly", argvals = seq(0,1,0.01))$simData
# calculate the scalar product

# the scalar product of an object with itself equals the squared norm
all.equal(scalarProduct(f,f), norm(f, squared = TRUE))

# This works of course also for multiFunData objects...
m <- multiFunData(f,g)
all.equal(scalarProduct(m,m), norm(m, squared = TRUE))

# ...and for irregFunData objects
i <- as.irregFunData(sparsify(f, minObs = 5, maxObs = 10))
all.equal(scalarProduct(i,i), norm(i, squared = TRUE))

# Scalar product between funData and irregFunData objects

# Weighted scalar product for multiFunData objects
scalarProduct(m,m, weight = c(1,2))

Simulate univariate functional data


This functions simulates (univariate) functional data f1,,fNf_1,\ldots, f_N based on a truncated Karhunen-Loeve representation:

fi(t)=m=1Mξi,mϕm(t).f_i(t) = \sum_{m = 1}^M \xi_{i,m} \phi_m(t).

on one- or higher-dimensional domains. The eigenfunctions (basis functions) ϕm(t)\phi_m(t) are generated using eFun, the scores ξi,m\xi_{i,m} are simulated independently from a normal distribution with zero mean and decreasing variance based on the eVal function. For higher-dimensional domains, the eigenfunctions are constructed as tensors of marginal orthonormal function systems.


simFunData(argvals, M, eFunType, ignoreDeg = NULL, eValType, N)



A numeric vector, containing the observation points (a fine grid on a real interval) of the functional data that is to be simulated or a list of the marginal observation points.


An integer, giving the number of univariate basis functions to use. For higher-dimensional data, M is a vector with the marginal number of eigenfunctions. See Details.


A character string specifying the type of univariate orthonormal basis functions to use. For data on higher-dimensional domains, eFunType can be a vector, specifying the marginal type of eigenfunctions to use in the tensor product. See eFun for details.


A vector of integers, specifying the degrees to ignore when generating the univariate orthonormal bases. Defaults to NULL. For higher-dimensional data, ignoreDeg can be supplied as list with vectors for each marginal. See eFun for details.


A character string, specifying the type of eigenvalues/variances used for the generation of the simulated functions based on the truncated Karhunen-Loeve representation. See eVal for details.


An integer, specifying the number of multivariate functions to be generated.



A funData object with N observations, representing the simulated functional data.


A funData object with M observations, representing the true eigenfunction basis used for simulating the data.


A vector of numerics, representing the true eigenvalues used for simulating the data.

See Also

funData, eFun, eVal, addError, sparsify


oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# Use Legendre polynomials as eigenfunctions and a linear eigenvalue decrease
test <- simFunData(seq(0,1,0.01), M = 10, eFunType = "Poly", eValType = "linear", N = 10)

plot(test$trueFuns, main = "True Eigenfunctions")
plot(test$simData, main = "Simulated Data")

# The use of ignoreDeg for eFunType = "PolyHigh"
test <- simFunData(seq(0,1,0.01), M = 4, eFunType = "Poly", eValType = "linear", N = 10)
test_noConst <-  simFunData(seq(0,1,0.01), M = 4, eFunType = "PolyHigh",
                            ignoreDeg = 1, eValType = "linear", N = 10)
test_noLinear <-  simFunData(seq(0,1,0.01), M = 4, eFunType = "PolyHigh",
                             ignoreDeg = 2, eValType = "linear", N = 10)
test_noBoth <-  simFunData(seq(0,1,0.01), M = 4, eFunType = "PolyHigh",
                           ignoreDeg = 1:2, eValType = "linear", N = 10)

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(test$trueFuns, main = "Standard polynomial basis (M = 4)")
plot(test_noConst$trueFuns, main = "No constant basis function")
plot(test_noLinear$trueFuns, main = "No linear basis function")
plot(test_noBoth$trueFuns, main = "Neither linear nor constant basis function")

# Higher-dimensional domains
simImages <- simFunData(argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(-pi/2, pi/2, 0.02)), 
             M = c(5,4), eFunType = c("Wiener","Fourier"), eValType = "linear", N = 4)
for(i in 1:4) 
   plot(simImages$simData, obs = i, main = paste("Observation", i))

Simulate multivariate functional data


This function provides a unified simulation structure for multivariate functional data f1,,fNf_1, \ldots, f_N on one- or two-dimensional domains, based on a truncated multivariate Karhunen-Loeve representation:

fi(t)=m=1Mρi,mψm(t).f_i(t) = \sum_{m = 1}^M \rho_{i,m} \psi_m(t).

The multivariate eigenfunctions (basis functions) ψm\psi_m are constructed from univariate orthonormal bases. There are two different concepts for the construction, that can be chosen by the parameter type: A split orthonormal basis (split, only one-dimensional domains) and weighted univariate orthonormal bases (weighted, one- and two-dimensional domains). The scores ρi,m\rho_{i,m} in the Karhunen-Loeve representation are simulated independently from a normal distribution with zero mean and decreasing variance. See Details.


simMultiFunData(type, argvals, M, eFunType, ignoreDeg = NULL, eValType, N)



A character string, specifying the construction method for the multivariate eigenfunctions (either "split" or "weighted"). See Details.


A list, containing the observation points for each element of the multivariate functional data that is to be simulated. The length of argvals determines the number of elements in the resulting simulated multivariate functional data. See Details.


An integer (type = "split") or a list of integers (type = "weighted"), giving the number of univariate basis functions to use. See Details.


A character string (type = "split") or a list of character strings (type = "weighted"), specifying the type of univariate orthonormal basis functions to use. See Details.


A vector of integers (type = "split") or a list of integer vectors (type = "weighted"), specifying the degrees to ignore when generating the univariate orthonormal bases. Defaults to NULL. See Details.


A character string, specifying the type of eigenvalues/variances used for the simulation of the multivariate functions based on the truncated Karhunen-Loeve representation. See eVal for details.


An integer, specifying the number of multivariate functions to be generated.


The parameter type defines how the eigenfunction basis for the multivariate Karhunen-Loeve representation is constructed:

  • type = "split": The basis functions of an underlying 'big' orthonormal basis are split in M parts, translated and possibly reflected. This yields an orthonormal basis of multivariate functions with M elements. This option is implemented only for one-dimensional domains.

  • type = "weighted": The multivariate eigenfunction basis consists of weighted univariate orthonormal bases. This yields an orthonormal basis of multivariate functions with M elements. For data on two-dimensional domains (images), the univariate basis is constructed as a tensor product of univariate bases in each direction (x- and y-direction).

Depending on type, the other parameters have to be specified as follows:

Split 'big' orthonormal basis

The parameters M (integer), eFunType (character string) and ignoreDeg (integer vector or NULL) are passed to the function eFun to generate a univariate orthonormal basis on a 'big' interval. Subsequently, the basis functions are split and translated, such that the jj-th part of the split function is defined on the interval corresponding to argvals[[j]]. The elements of the multivariate basis functions are given by these split parts of the original basis functions multiplied by a random sign σj{1,1},j=1,,p\sigma_j \in \{-1,1\}, j = 1, \ldots, p.

Weighted orthonormal bases

The parameters argvals, M, eFunType and ignoreDeg are all lists of a similar structure. They are passed element-wise to the function eFun to generate orthonormal basis functions for each element of the multivariate functional data to be simulated. In case of bivariate elements (images), the corresponding basis functions are constructed as tensor products of orthonormal basis functions in each direction (x- and y-direction).

If the jj-th element of the simulated data should be defined on a one-dimensional domain, then

  • argvals[[j]] is a list, containing one vector of observation points.

  • M[[j]] is an integer, specifying the number of basis functions to use for this entry.

  • eFunType[[j]] is a character string, specifying the type of orthonormal basis functions to use for this entry (see eFun for possible options).

  • ignoreDeg[[j]] is a vector of integers, specifying the degrees to ignore when constructing the orthonormal basis functions. The default value is NULL.

If the jj-th element of the simulated data should be defined on a two-dimensional domain, then

  • argvals[[j]] is a list, containing two vectors of observation points, one for each direction (observation points in x-direction and in y-direction).

  • M[[j]] is a vector of two integers, giving the number of basis functions for each direction (x- and y-direction).

  • eFunType[[j]] is a vector of two character strings, giving the type of orthonormal basis functions for each direction (x- and y-direction, see eFun for possible options). The corresponding basis functions are constructed as tensor products of orthonormal basis functions in each direction.

  • ignoreDeg[[j]] is a list, containing two integer vectors that specify the degrees to ignore when constructing the orthonormal basis functions in each direction. The default value is NULL.

The total number of basis functions (i.e. the product of M[[j]] for all j) must be equal!



A multiFunData object with N observations, representing the simulated multivariate functional data.


A multiFunData object with M observations, representing the multivariate eigenfunction basis used for simulating the data.


A vector of numerics, representing the eigenvalues used for simulating the data.


C. Happ, S. Greven (2018): Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Data Observed on Different (Dimensional) Domains. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(522): 649-659.

See Also

multiFunData, eFun, eVal, simFunData, addError, sparsify.


oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# split
split <- simMultiFunData(type = "split", argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(-0.5,0.5,0.02)),
                 M = 5, eFunType = "Poly", eValType = "linear", N = 7)

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(split$trueFuns, main = "Split: True Eigenfunctions", ylim = c(-2,2))
plot(split$simData, main = "Split: Simulated Data")

# weighted (one-dimensional domains)
weighted1D <- simMultiFunData(type = "weighted",
                 argvals = list(list(seq(0,1,0.01)), list(seq(-0.5,0.5,0.02))),
                 M = c(5,5), eFunType = c("Poly", "Fourier"), eValType = "linear", N = 7)

plot(weighted1D$trueFuns, main = "Weighted (1D): True Eigenfunctions", ylim = c(-2,2))
plot(weighted1D$simData, main = "Weighted (1D): Simulated Data")

# weighted (one- and two-dimensional domains)
weighted <- simMultiFunData(type = "weighted",
               argvals = list(list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(0,10,0.1)), list(seq(-0.5,0.5,0.01))),
               M = list(c(5,4), 20), eFunType = list(c("Poly", "Fourier"), "Wiener"),
               eValType = "linear", N = 7)

plot(weighted$trueFuns, main = "Weighted: True Eigenfunctions (m = 2)", obs = 2)
plot(weighted$trueFuns, main = "Weighted: True Eigenfunctions (m = 15)", obs = 15)
plot(weighted$simData, main = "Weighted: Simulated Data (1st observation)", obs = 1)
plot(weighted$simData, main = "Weighted: Simulated Data (2nd observation)", obs = 2)


Generate a sparse version of functional data objects


This function generates an artificially sparsified version of a functional data object of class funData (univariate) or multiFunData (multivariate). The minimal and maximal number of observation points for all observations can be supplied by the user.


sparsify(funDataObject, minObs, maxObs)



A functional data object of class funData or multiFunData.

minObs, maxObs

The minimal/maximal number of observation points. Must be a scalar for univariate functional data (funData class) or a vector of the same length as funDataObject for multivariate functional data (multiFunData class), giving the minimal/maximal number of observations for each element. See Details.


The technique for artificially sparsifying the data is as described in Yao et al. (2005): For each element xi(j)x_i^{(j)} of an observed (multivariate) functional data object xix_i, a random number Ri(j){minObs,,maxObs}R_i^{(j)} \in \{\mathrm{minObs}, \ldots, \mathrm{maxObs}\} of observation points is generated. The points are sampled uniformly from the full grid {tj,1,,tj,Sj}Tj\{t_{j,1} , \ldots , t_{j, S_j}\} \subset \mathcal{T}_j, resulting in observations

xi,r(j)=xi(j)(tj,r),r=1,,Ri(j), j=1,,p.x_{i,r}^{(j)} = x_i^{(j)}(t_{j,r}), \quad r = 1 ,\ldots,R_i^{(j)},~ j = 1, \ldots, p.


An object of the same class as funDataObject, which is a sparse version of the original data.


This function is currently implemented for 1D data only.


Yao, F., H.-G. Mueller and J.-L. Wang (2005): Functional Data Analysis for Sparse Longitudinal Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100 (470), 577–590.

See Also

funData, multiFunData, simFunData, simMultiFunData, addError.


oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

# univariate functional data
full <- simFunData(argvals = seq(0,1, 0.01), M = 10, eFunType = "Fourier",
                   eValType = "linear", N = 3)$simData
sparse <- sparsify(full, minObs = 4, maxObs = 10)

plot(full, main = "Sparsify")
plot(sparse, type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
legend("topright", c("Full", "Sparse"), lty = c(1, NA), pch = c(NA, 20))

# Multivariate
full <- simMultiFunData(type = "split", argvals = list(seq(0,1, 0.01), seq(-.5,.5, 0.02)),
                        M = 10, eFunType = "Fourier", eValType = "linear", N = 3)$simData
sparse <- sparsify(full, minObs = c(4, 30), maxObs = c(10, 40))

par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(full[[1]], main = "Sparsify (multivariate)", sub = "minObs = 4, maxObs = 10")
plot(sparse[[1]], type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)

plot(full[[2]], main = "Sparsify (multivariate)", sub = "minObs = 30, maxObs = 40")
plot(sparse[[2]], type = "p", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
legend("bottomright", c("Full", "Sparse"), lty = c(1, NA), pch = c(NA, 20))


Tensor product for univariate functions on one-dimensional domains


This function calculates tensor product functions for up to three objects of class funData defined on one-dimensional domains.





Two or three objects of class funData, that must be defined on a one-dimensional domain, each.


An object of class as funData that corresponds to the tensor product of the input functions.


The function is only implemented for up to three functions on one-dimensional domains.

See Also



### Tensor product of two functional data objects
x <- seq(0, 2*pi, 0.1)
f1 <- funData(x, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, 0.1), sin(x)))
y <- seq(-pi, pi, 0.1)
f2 <- funData(y, outer(seq(0.25, 0.75, 0.1), sin(y)))

plot(f1, main = "f1")
plot(f2, main = "f2")

tP <- tensorProduct(f1, f2)
plot(tP, obs = 1)

### Tensor product of three functional data objects
z <- seq(-1, 1, 0.05)
f3 <- funData(z, outer(seq(0.75, 1.25, 0.1), z^2))

plot(f1, main = "f1")
plot(f2, main = "f2")
plot(f3, main = "f3")

tP2 <- tensorProduct(f1, f2, f3)